

年 份 學 期 課程
111 01 電腦網路, 2022.9 (朝陽科技大學 資訊與通訊系,3學分,日四技二A)
111 02 無線網路協定技術與實務, 2023.2 (朝陽科技大學 資訊與通訊系,3學分,碩士班)


學號 姓名 英文姓名 班級
10930601王木炎Mu-Yen Wang二A
10930606林裕哲Yu-Jhe Lin二A
10930609紀丞鴻Cheng-Hung Chi二A
11130606姜皓礎Hao-Chu Chiang二A
11130608賴泓丞Hong-Cheng Lai 二A
11130622林建彣Chien-Wen Lin 二A


序號 Reference
1 Hung-Chi Chu*, Yu-Jhe Lin, “Improving the IoT Attack Classification Mechanism with Data Augmentation for Generative Adversarial Networks, ” Applied Sciences, 13(23), 12592, 22 November 2023. (Scopus, SCIE)
2 Hung-Chi Chu and Yu-Jhe Lin, “IoT Attack Classification Based on Generative Adversarial Networks,” 6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention, Sapporo ,Hokkaido ,Japan August 11-13, 2023. (On-line)
3 Hung-Chi Chu *, Young-Lin Zhang *, Hao-Chu Chiang, ”A CNN Sound Classification Mechanism Using Data AugmentationA CNN Sound Classification Mechanism Using Data Augmentation,” Sensors, 23(15), 6972, 5 August 2023. (Scopus, SCIE)
4 Hung-Chi Chu*, Chia-En Wong, Wei-Min Cheng and Hong-Cheng Lai, “User QoS-Based Optimized Handover Algorithm for Wireless Networks,” Sensors, 23(10), 4877, 18 May 2023. (Scopus, SCIE)
5     Hung-Chi Chu, Fang-Lin Chao*, Liza Lee, “Vibration and Airflow Tactile Perception as Applied to Large Scale Limb Movements for Children,” Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ), Vol. 6, Iss. 4, pp. 147-153, 20 Jul. 2021. (Scopus)